Welcome to PyMODAlib’s documentation!

The following table displays the most important modules from PyMODAlib. To view the documentation for the functions inside each module, click the module name.

pymodalib.algorithms.coherence Wavelet phase coherence.
pymodalib.algorithms.group_coherence Group wavelet phase coherence with inter-subject surrogates.
pymodalib.algorithms.harmonics Detecting harmonics.
pymodalib.algorithms.ridge_extraction Ridge extraction.
pymodalib.algorithms.signals Basic signal operations, such as pre-processing and down-sampling.
pymodalib.algorithms.wavelet Wavelet transform.
pymodalib.algorithms.windowed_fourier Windowed Fourier transform.
pymodalib.plotting Functions for plotting the results of PyMODAlib algorithms.

For the full documentation, you can click “Module Index” below.

Indices and tables