pymodalib.algorithms.windowed_fourier module

Windowed Fourier transform.

windowed_fourier_transform(signal: numpy.ndarray, fs: float, fmin: float, fmax: float = None, resolution: float = None, cut_edges: bool = False, window: str = 'Gaussian', preprocess: bool = True, fstep: str = 'auto', padding: str = 'predictive', rel_tolerance: float = 0.01, implementation: str = 'matlab', *args, **kwargs) → Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]

Windowed Fourier transform function.


Although the wavelet transform function and the WFT MATLAB library can return a dictionary containing parameters used by the function, windowed_fourier_transform does not support this.

  • signal (ndarray) – [1D array] The signal to perform the windowed Fourier transform on.
  • fs (float) – The sampling frequency of the signal.
  • fmin (float) – The minimal frequency for which to calculate the WFT.
  • fmax (float) – (Default = fs/2) The maximal frequency for which to calculate the WFT.
  • resolution (float) – (Default = 1/fmin) The window resolution parameter, which determines the trade-off between the time and frequency resolutions; the higher it is, the closer in frequency components can be resolved in WFT, but the closer the slower time-variations, e.g. amplitude/frequency modulation, can be reliably represented. For the way it is introduced for each window, see Appendix E in [1], while if the window is user-defined in terms of its function in frequency and/or time (see window parameter), then resolution has no effect.
  • cut_edges (bool) – (Default = False) Whether WFT coefficients should be set to NaN out of the influence (see [1]). Use cut_edges=True if you wish to analyze the WFT only within the cone of influence, which is recommended if you are estimating only the time-averaged quantities.
  • window ({“Gaussian”, “Hann”, “Blackman”, “Exp”, “Rect”, “Kaiser-a”}) – (Default = “Gaussian”) Window used in the WFT calculation. For a list of all supported names and their properties, see Appendix E in [1]. Note: supplying a window using a custom function is not supported in PyMODAlib.
  • preprocess (bool) – (Default = True) Whether to perform signal preprocessing, which consists of subtracting third-order polynomial fit and then bandpassing the signal in the band of interest (fmin-fmax).
  • fstep ({“auto”, “auto-NB”}) – (Default = “auto”, equivalent to “auto-10”) The frequency step, which determines frequency discretization, so that the next frequency equals the previous frequency plus fstep. When set to auto-NB, e.g. auto-20, it determines automatically as described in [1], so that it equals 1/NB of the frequency region containing 50% of the window function.
  • padding ({“predictive”, 0, “symmetric”, “none”, “periodic”}, float) – (Default = “predictive”) Padding to use when calculating the transform. For all paddings and their effects, see [1]. Most useful are the zero-padding, for which boundary errors are well-determined, and “predictive” padding, for which they are most reduced, while other choices have limited usefulness. Note: the if a List containing two padding parameters from the accepted values is passed, the first value will be used for left-padding and the second value for right-padding.
  • rel_tolerance (float) – (Default = 0.01) Commonly referred to as epsilon in [1], this parameter is the relative tolerance as a percentage, which specifies the cone of influence for the WFT (i.e. the range of WFT coefficients which are determined up to this accuracy in respect of boundary errors). Also determintes the minimal number of values to pad the signal with,so that the relative constribution of effects of implicit periodic signal continutation due to convolution in the frequency domain is smaller. See [1] for details.
  • implementation ({“matlab”}) – (Default = “matlab”) Whether to use the MATLAB implementation, or (possibly, in the future) the Python implementation.
  • args – Other arguments to pass to the implementation (the MATLAB-packaged WFT function).
  • kwargs – Other keyword arguments to pass to the implementation (the MATLAB-packaged WFT function).

  • wft (ndarray) – [2D array, complex] The windowed Fourier transform, whose rows correspond to frequencies and columns to time. Take the absolute value to get the amplitude. Dimensions: (FNxL) where FN is the number of frequencies and L is the length of the signal in samples.
  • freq (ndarray) – [1D array] The frequencies corresponding to the rows of wft.


Author: Dmytro Iatsenko.

[1]D. Iatsenko, A. Stefanovska and P.V.E. McClintock, “Linear and synchrosqueezed time-frequency representations revisited. Part I: Overview, standards of use, related issues and algorithms.” {preprint:arXiv:1310.7215}
[2]D. Iatsenko, A. Stefanovska and P.V.E. McClintock, “Linear and synchrosqueezed time-frequency representations revisited. Part II: Resolution, reconstruction and concentration.” {preprint:arXiv:1310.7274}